Friday, November 13, 2009

Reflection on ES2007

Frankly speaking, I planned to S/U this module at the time I decided to take it. Because it is my final year, I am quite busy with my Honors Year Project, job applications and CFA test. I took this module because I thought I could spend less time on it, but I was completely wrong. I put more efforts in this module than any other core modules I am taking this semester. Nevertheless, I do think I have learnt a lot from it.

Firstly, this module has sharpened my writing skills. To be frank, before I took this module, the last time I wrote something rather than report was during my bridging course before college. For almost four years, I had never written anything to express my thoughts and feelings. This module provides me a good opportunity to think critically and express my ideas in written form. By blogging weekly, I have gradually learnt how to apply 7Cs in writing. It will definitely benefit me when I enter the workforce after graduation.

Secondly, my communication skills were further improved. The module not only taught me the theoretical knowledge on interpersonal communication, but also allowed me to practice during in-class discussions and project meetings. During my job interviews, I do feel that I applied what I learnt from this module such as 7Cs, encoding and decoding.

Thirdly, the discussions and presentations boosted my confidence in conversing in English. In my daily life, I do not speak English often. Even sometimes I have to speak English, the conversations are usually casual or standard. This module offered me great chances to practice my spoken English, especially during project meetings when topics discussed could be quite serious. I deeply feel that I am more confident now, but I can clearly understand that I have to practice more in my daily life in order to be fluent in English.

During the last lesson, Ms Goh gave us the table of transferable skills. I was pretty amazed that we had learnt, practiced and improved so many skills during this short period of time. I do not regret taking this module and spending so much time on it! J


  1. Dear Xiaoyu,

    A very well written post and am glad you have benefited from this module. Like you have mentioned, as you practice speaking English you will learn much faster and I wish you luck for your learning process :)

    It has been a pleasure knowing you, especially when we were ‘acting’ as interviews…hahaha. Good luck for your exams and future!

    Keerth ^^

  2. Hi Xiaoyu,

    I agree with Keerth that this is a very good written post. Althought we know each other for a very long time, I still want to say it is great to work with you for the peer teaching. I'm glad both of us have benefit a lot from this module, and all the best for the exams!!!


  3. Dear Xiaoyu:

    I would agree with you that we have learnt a lot of skills along the way in this course.

    Personally, I think you are able to converse well in English and even better in Chinese. In addition, I admire your confidenceur in speech and I feel that your increased confidence has in a way or another, enable you to converse more eloquently.

    Continue to practise conversing in English to better your grasp of the English Language and keep smiling. You have a very pleasant smile so use it well. I believe your smile will be an asset when you enter the workforce.

    Anyway it was nice knowing you. All the best in all.


    PS: I would really be interested to know whether you S/U this module ultimately. Keep me updated:)

  4. Dear Xiaoyu

    I agree with you about its been a heavy course, but well-worth one! :)

    I will always remember you for your smile! You are highly approachable and have a very warm personality. That is a huge plus, because people will naturally feel comfortable to communicate with you. You also thus come across as a very sincere person. And I have to admit, after your peer teaching presentation, you learned from the feedback, and it was great to see you more relax and confident on the OP! That confidence and your smile certainly made a difference and I am glad this course has helped you become more comfortable on the floor.

    But on a whole, its nice to see that you're willing to learn and I am sure the skills you've garnered in this course will come in useful when you enter the working world. All the best for your exams, and continue to converse in English and I am positive with continuous practice you'll become a much better communicator (you are already there!).

    And I would like to personally thank you for all your comments to my blog and your feedback to my presentations. You've been a great support and I appreciate that a lot. Good luck with your future.


  5. Hi Xiaoyu,

    It was great knowing and working with you through the project. I definitely couldn't tell that it was your first time speaking English during project meetings because you seemed comfortable conversing in English. Now I know why you tried getting me to speak to you in Mandarin over lunch. Maybe it's time I learn from you and start to practice my Mandarin =P

    All the best for the upcoming job interviews and your CFA exam!


    P.S: I will contact you if I'm going to China next year =D

  6. Dear Xiao Yu,

    I definitely would agree with you that we all have learnt a lot of skills from this module. From your first blog entry up till this final one, I can see that your writing skills have improved. Although you mentioned that you do not speak English often in your day to day life, I couldn’t really see your unfamiliarity with the language. You just need to have more confidence in your command of the language!

    It was nice knowing you and all the best for your exams and final year project!


  7. Hi fellows,

    Thank you so much for your support and encouragement. I'll seize every opportunity in the future to practice my spoken English. It was a great experience to study with you!

